
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Quitting Your Job?

During times of extreme stress on a job an individual may consider quitting his or her job. Quitting or the ending of one's service to a company or organization usually occurs when no other recourse is apparent for solving a personal grievance and that grievance directly affects his or her overall performance. Though quitting a job may not appear as stigmatizing as being dismissed by an employer which is commonly referred to as being fired, society may term such a person as being overly sensitive and view him or her as unstable.

There are several reasons for quitting a job. One of the best reasons may be finding another job that is more fulfilling. Persons who excel at their work usually say they are doing what they love. For some innovative individuals who couldn't find a more fulfilling job, they busied themselves while keeping their day jobs until the public's demand for their services or talents became great enough to thrive from. However, being hired by or starting a Fortune 500 company is not a typical reason most employees decide to let go of their single means of earning an income. For the most part most people are willing to do unfulfilling work if they see some future benefit for themselves and/or their children. But when the trade off isn't or doesn't appear fair and balanced, the idea of quitting enters the mind. Common reasons for quitting range from personal issues to external ones and include but are not limited to the following:
  • not being able to carry out one's daily functions due to an ailment,
  • not being paid enough to maintain a certain standard of living and quality of life for oneself and family,
  • not wanting to be involved in unethical, immoral or illegal practices,
  • not being treated by supervisor or employer with dignity.
In most societies and cultures around the world, quitting is rarely encouraged or given as an option even if the reasons are valid. The label 'Quitter' seems to have always been synonymous with term 'Loser'. A male's masculinity may even be questioned if instead of fighting in response to an insult he decides ignore it or walk away from a volatile situation. Though there are times for answering disparaging remarks and moments when standing your ground means something, but when strength is weighed on impartial scales, the will power[1] required to remain silent or walk away is far greater than the power it takes to use derogatory language or become involved in a physical altercation.

One of the most difficult lessons one will find in the teachings of Jesus Christ, is the admonishment he gave over 2000 years ago to his followers in Matthew chapter 5 verse 39 to turn the other cheek, or in other words maintain your sense of worth during an injustice by turning an unwarranted punishment into a challenge that inspires and leaves judgment to God. In our modern times, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his civil rights movement actually put Christ's teaching into practice and after facing the fire hoses, dogs, bats and guns of those fighting to preserve a segregated South, won equal rights for the blacks living in America, culminating in the election of the first black president, Barak Obama in 2008. Whether quitting is right or wrong depends on the situation but as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. proved, quitting isn't always a cowardly or shameful act when one has a vision, ordinarily referred to as 'Plan B'.

For anyone considering quitting his or her job, a plan B is a must especially in these dire economic times. Quitting without having sufficient savings will, if you can't catch a break in time, eventually lead to dependence on family members. The strain in some cases has caused couples to divorce and families to fragment, with children being raised by grandparents as parents struggle to support themselves. Don't take the decision to quit lightly even if your reason makes sense, your action, even if only psychologically, will be taxing on you and those you love, so make sure you've discussed and weighed all your options with those who will be affected before making your move.

[1] The ability to control one's decisions and subsequent actions